I am testing DDSCAT7.3.0 on a linux machine. The compilation tools are: gcc5.4.0/gfortran, mpich-2.1.4. And the Openmp is enabled in Makefile by setting : "DOMP=-Dopenmp" and "OPENMP=-fopenmp". The compilation process is successful.
The testing problem is the scattering problem of a sphere: the geometry parameters of the target is
80 80 80
Then I set OMP_NUM_THREADS=12 and run the executable ddscat.
Here is the problem: it seems the program is not running in openmp mode. The command "top d1" shows only about 200%, instead of 1200%, of CPU is used. No matter what value is given to OMP_NUM_THREADS, the usage of CPU is always about 200%.
Did I miss anything in compiling, or running the program ?
Thank you very much!