Dear Sir,
I am working with ellipsoid Nanomatryushka particles having two or more layers. I need to simulate values for the Muller Matrices for the kind of particles. Can I do it with DDSCAT? Can I model Fano Resonance with it?
If I need to modify the CONELLIPSE section for my use, how can I do it?
DDSCAT can work with complex structures. DDSCAT will calculate Muller matrix elements for the far-field, and can also do near-field calculations if desired. However, if the desired target geometry isn't one of the built-in target options, you will need to either (1) modify DDSCAT or (2) generate the list of "occupied" lattice sites (and compositions) using your own software tools, and use the FROM_FILE target option in DDSCAT to read in the list of occcupied sites. Option (2) is generally simplest since is doesn't require andy changes to DDSCAT.
The UserGuide describes how the input file for target option FROM_FILE should be formatted. There is a sample calculation in the examples/FROM_FILE directory.
Keep in mind that if one has a multilayer target, the interdipole spacing d should be small enough to resolve the thickness of the thinnest layer. One should always do a "resolution study" to verify that your results are not sensitive to your choice of interdipole spacing d.
Respected Prof.Draine,
I have designed the .stl file for the multilayered shape.
Now, I need to convert it to shape format.
If you kindly introduce me to the format, it will be very much helpful for me to write a code to convert them directly.
Thanks and regards,
If the target material is isotropic, then you will want to use target option FROM_FILE.
FROM_FILE allows the target to be composed of more than one material — you simply need to specify the composition at each occupied lattice site.
The UserGuide has instructions for the format of target option FROM_FILE. The shape.dat file is a simple ascii file. In examples_exp/FROM_FILE you will find an example.
If the target material is anisotropic, then you can use target option ANIFRMFIL. The shape.dat file is again a plain ascii file, but now becomes more complicated, because at each lattice site you must specify the "composition" corresponding to each of the three principal
axes of the dielectric tensor, and you must specify the orientation of these three principal axes in the Target Frame (because the optical axes of the local material may not coincide with the x,y,z axes of the Target Frame). The UserGuide describes the formatting of this (plain ascii) file.
Respected Sir,
I need to model a nanoshell filled with a liquid having zero k value. I used CONELLIPSE module, but it did not converge.
I have tried to fix the problem in many other ways, I failed.
Please help.